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conectar com velox?


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primero, disculpe se todo não e perfeito em portuguese, soy extranjeira. se não entenda qualquer coisa não dude de me perguntar.

Eu estou aqui no Rio (morando em Copa) com um powerbook g4 laptop. eu tenho velox na minha casa mas não consigo conectar ao internet. temos 4 computadores na casa, 2 windows e 2 macintosh. os 2 macintosh não conectam. eu já viu tudo o informação no sobre como configurar meu "rede(network)" em "system preferences" mas ainda com tudo isso não conecto. eu gostaria saber que tenho que hacer para conectar? eu acho que tenho um control pequeninho num local que não me deixe conectar. vocês sabem o que posse estar acontecendo na minha maquina?

muito obrigada por o ajudo!


also, in english because i think i can explain myself better.

Hello. I have a powerbook g4 and i am in rio de janeiro (copacabana) trying to connect to the internet. i connect through an ADSL modem with a router/hub with 8 ports. i am using velox telemar service and my provider is OI.

i have read all the info i can find on google mac and and and i cant seem to figure out why my computer cant connect to the internet when the other windows computers in my ohuse can connect. i have set up my PPPoE correctly according to ALL the websites, and it still doesnt connect. could there be some setting somewhere else that doesnt allow the PPPoE to work? i have a VPN and a 802.1x connection set up, but both of those are to use with internet at different places and they obviously dont work at my house because i cant even get online!!

i dont nkow what to do anymore. velox (my internet company) doesnt provide any support nor do they know any mac technicians, and the store that sells macs doesnt offer support and the 0800 (like 1-800 in the USA) doesnt work. it requires a password, which i dont have.

if anyone knows any info about connecting a mac to internet in brasil (particularly velox) please let me know. if you dont know anything about using internet with a router (my cmoputer is set up to "share" and the other windows computers are too) please let me know. just anything that i can try....this is sooo annoying!!!

thanks a LOT :)

  • Membro VIP


If you are definitely using a router to share your internet connection (Velox) to your computers, usually, you just have to configure your Macs to use DHCP.

The ste-by-step is: Go to System Preferences, Network, Show: Bult-in Ethernet, them go to TCP/IP tab and change to Using DHCP. At PPPoE tab, make shure to uncheck Connect using PPPoE. Click Apple now and test with your favorite browser.

Good luck!


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