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Legacy of Kain Defiance: "Vae Victus"

Star Ocean 2: Dias Flac -Piece of junk, tem outras como, quando a Rena morre ele diz "YOU ARE DEAD".

GTA SA, bata no carro e escute o berro: ou, what you doing to my wheel, ou, "Thanks man, thanks a lot"


Agora vai grandes contribuições de Baldurs gate 2, 1 e planescape torment.

OBS: Obviamente peguei algumas do wiki quote, BG e Planescape são games muito grandes pra gravar todos os quotes.

Maioria ira trazer lembranças e risadas :D

Baldurs gate 1.

Minsc ->

"Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, watch it! I'm huge!"

Magic is impressive, but now Minsc leads! Swords for everyone!

There is strength in numbers, and I am two or three, at least
(to his pet hamster Boo, when battle is imminent): Go for the eyes Boo, GO FOR THE EYES!! RrraaaAAGHGHH!!!
(to Portalbendarwinden): Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!
Emissary Tar: At last, someone who looks like they could be of some assistance! The assorted boobs and dimwits around here have been of very little help.Protagonist: I'm afraid you have mistaken us for someone else. I'm Dimwit, this is my good friend Boob, and behind me you'll find Brainless and Moron. How do you do?
Guard: Halt! Where do you think you're going?Protagonist: Upstairs. Where do YOU think you're going?
Guard: You wouldn't kill a man with a wife and ten children, would you?Protagonist: No way, you've got a fate worse than death already.
Baldurs Gate 2.

Jan jensen

[after being resurrected with Keldorn(paladino) in the party] Greetings, everyone. Sorry, no gifts or souvenirs this time but I'll keep you all in mind the next time I'm gone. Oh, Keldorn: the gods say 'hi' and that you should wash your underwear more thoroughly. Everyone ready? Let's go adventuring.
Lilacor (Espada falante +2)
My brother's a +12 Hackmaster!
What's my status? Since when do you care about me unless I'm impaled in something's guts? Oh well, fine, let me think for a minute... Well, as a matter of fact I would like to register a complaint. I want to kill a dragon. Right now. Go find one and kill it. That would be SO cool.
I know! Find someone rich, and kill them! Then find someone richer, and kill them too! Hack and slash your way to fortune! Whoo-hoo!!
Imoen: So... Sarevok. You've had an itty-bitty piece of my soul in there for quite a while now. What's it been like?Sarevok: Well, other than a slight obsession with my weight and the resurgence of a few pimples, it's been simply grand.
Aerie: I have a question for you, Imoen... you have the taint of Bhaal within you? Does this mean you will turn into the Slayer as well?Imoen: I certainly hope not. I... I've been thinking more and more lately about that, myself, though.Aerie: It must be an awful feeling. I cannot imagine how <Protagonist> deals with it.Imoen: Yeah... s/he's been dealing with it longer, too. Sometimes, when it's quiet... I can hear the taint in my heart whispering to me. It says awful things and I almost want to scream to shut them out.Aerie: (gasp!) You... you haven't done anything that it's said, have you?Imoen: Well... other than that time I got up in the middle of the night to snatch a bag of cinnamon cookies, heck no.Aerie: Oh, goo-... what? Cinnamon cookies?Imoen: Ha ha! Oh, come on, Aerie! Lighten up, willya? I'll tell ya what, if I have any desires to murder you in the middle of the night, you'll be the first to know, okay?Aerie: That's not very funny, Imoen. <Protagonist> never makes fun of his/her condition that way.Protagonist: Well, it's been so much easier when I discovered all the Slayer really wants is a sandwich...Aerie: Oh, fine. Everyone seems determined to make fun of me. I'll stand back here, thank you.
Imoen: You look a little down, Edwin. You're not upset, are you?Edwin: My mood is no concern of yours, child.Imoen: You've become less blustery, I think. Maybe... maybe you're mad because everyone else is finding destinies and prophesies and generally surpassing you in every way?Edwin: You go too far, girl! I hold none of you above me!Imoen: I mean, even me, frail little Imoen, is a big scary Child of Bhaal now! That's got to be frustrating.Edwin: Now that is just nonsense! All of it!Imoen: Hey Edwin! BOO!Edwin: WHA! What... is it... NOW?!Imoen: He flinched! The big bad mage flinched! HAHA! Oooh, look, I'm Bhaal, I'm big and scary, ooohh.Edwin: Now that was just... you are just being...Imoen: Oooooh, don't worry, big bad Imoen won't scare you no more. Heeheehee... 'boo' I says, and he jumped out of his skin... (snicker)Edwin: (grumble)... whelp... child... monkey-brained ... how would you like your flaming death you... grrrr...
[after encountering an hostile kuo-toa]Protagonist: Hi! I want to pass through your land!Kuo-Toa Leader: Klodg do g'ith dal shaog gossath! Geetaaah!Protagonist: (sigh) This isn't going to end well, is it?
Simyaz: You live!? The Illithids let you go?! Astounding, unless you are in league with them. I warn you, if you serve them you shall share their fate.Protagonist: No, actually, I DESTROYED THE WHOLE DAMN BUNCH WITHOUT YOU!!
E finalmente Planescape torment.

Nameless One

(After hearing Morte read the tattoos on his back) No wonder my back hurts; there's a damn novel written on it.

Nordom: Attention, Morte. I have a question: do you have a destiny... a purpose?Morte: Is Annah still wearing clothes?Nordom: Affirmatory.Morte: Then, the answer is yes.

Fall-from-Grace: Morte, with a vocabulary like yours, you should spend some time at the brothel...Morte: Hohoho! The gods are merciful!
Vhailor: When the injustice is great enough, Justice will lend me the strength needed to correct it. None may stand against it. It will shatter every barrier, sunder any shield, tear through any enchantment and lend its servant the power to pass sentence. Know this: there is nothing on all the Planes that can stay the hand of justice when it is brought against them. It may unmake armies. It may sunder the thrones of gods. Know that for ALL who betray Justice, I am their fate... and fate carries an Executioner's Axe.The Nameless One: I see.Vhailor: No, you do NOT see. Pray you NEVER will.
Age of Empires 3

"VOU FAZERE" (os portugueses)

"ASSALARIADA" (as portuguesas)

kkkkkkkkkkk, eu não esqueci as vozes deles até hoje, muito maneiro

E no Age of Empires 2, os aldeões:

"BÔOOE" (quando seleciona)

"Lenhadora" (aldeã espanhola)

E as tropas?

"Voy atacar!"

"Voy hacerlo!" (essa é do aoe3, o rodelero espanhol)


Mas o personagem mais cativante com certeza foi o Captain Alvin H. Davenport, codinome CHOPPER, do ACE COMBAT 5, ele será inesquecível.

"At the end of flight...Day turns into night...

Hehehey Kid, do you listen to that song?" - CHOPPER

"I don't believe they have used a coin to choose our next mission again!" - CHOPPER

"Captain Davenport! What did you say?" - AWACS THUNDERHEAD

"hhhhh...and this guy is always here..." - CHOPPER

Chopper é abatido, na missão do estádio

"Captain Davenport!! Eject!" - AWACS THUNDERHEAD

"hhhhh...i will remind that voice" - CHOPPER


" Someone will get the axe "

Leggionaire do Heros of Newerth, e um menção ao Moghull Khan, The Axe, do DotA, do qual ele é um port.

Mas a melhor de todas é : " BAZZINGA !! I dont care. "

The Big Bang Theory

PS: Sei que não é de game nenhum. Ainda. Trabalhando em uma versao de RPG Maker 2003...... XD

  • 5 meses depois...

Algumas do Starcraft 2 :cool:


If i do this wrong it will hurt a little, if i do this right it will hurt a lot.


Welcome to the flying meat wagon.

The power of Medvac compels you.

Atention passangers, the local time don't it metter since you all be dead soon anyway.

WE HIT! WE HIT! WE ALL GONNA DIE!! WE ... hehe just kidding you should look at your faces.


Today's forcarst is, extra bombing, slight chance of mushroom clounds.

I see live people, BANG! BANG! i see dead people.


Did ever notice that nobody ever comes back to the Barracks.

SCV quando ataca.

What, you run out of marines?


Cara, que massa esse tópico! Eu tenho essa mania de decorar e ficar repetindo frases marcantes de games e filmes, então esse tópico é perfeito pra mim :D!

Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain

1) Kain após matar o Guardião Nupraptor e observar sua cabeça decepada:

"Alas, poor Nupraptor, I knew him well... Well, not really." (Ah, pobre Nupraptor, eu o conhecia bem... Bem, na verdade não.)

Sempre racho o bico quando eu lembro dessa frase :P!

2) Ao se deparar com um cadaver morto pela peste na estrada para Coorhagen:

"Worms and maggots fed upon his festering skin, the scent of tainted blood seeped through the wounds upon which they feasted. Pity, such a waste. Good blood gone bad." (Minhocas e vermes se alimentam de sua pele apodrecida, o aroma de sangue maculado escapa pelas feridas onde elas se banquetearam. Pena, que desperdício. Bom sangue mau aproveitado.)

Recomendo a todos que não jogaram esse game que não percam tempo! Pra quem não sabe, esse é o primeiro game da série Legacy of Kain - além de ser o melhor e mais sanguinário:devil:!

  • Membro VIP

Mass Effect 2 (Harbinger falando com voz endemoniada):

"Assuming control of this form."

"We are the harbinger of your destruction."

"We are your genetic destiny."

"This delay is pointless."

Mass Effect 2 (Grunt falando)

"Too late, now you're dead!."

  • Membro VIP

Crysis Warhead, no video final do jogo apos zerar:

"Did you can the Warhead?"

"Hehehehe. That's my Nomad. Always puting the mission first."


Não li o tópico inteiro, mas se não colocaram ainda aqui estou:

Duke Nuken DOS - What Are You Waiting For? Christmas??? --> o que você está esperando, pelo Natal? Hehehehe, quando você ficava muito tempo sem mexer o personagem vinha com essa frase, agora, não em lembro da outra, Acho que é:

Time To Slam Some Faces!!! --> Hora de esmagar algumas faces hehehehehe

Já vi aqui no tópico mas vou repetir:

Diablo II:

Even Death Can't Save You From Me!!! --> Nem a morte pode te salvar de mim hehehehe

Existiam rumores de que iria sair um filme sobre Diablo II, fico pensando na voz que seria usada para essa frase, porque dá medinho hahahahahaha,

Abraço À Todos...


uuuuuuu "é muitas emoções".

Unreal tournament=> Double kill - Monster kill - Triple kill

Warcraft III=> Trall- Lets get on with it - The spirits will guide me

The sims 2=> o sim da tv - bla bla xips xis bla bla(ou +- isso)

  • mês depois...

Metal Gear Substance tem varias frases engraçadas na parte que a A I do Colonel fica doida só que eu nem lembro de nenhuma agora:mellow:

só lembro do Snake e seu SEMPER-FI


Não sei se ja postaram essas, mas:

GTA: San Andreas:

Now you don't need it anymore, huh? (CJ ao roubar o dinheiro de alguem morto por ele)

CJ my nail!!!/I don't wanna Die, CJ!!! (Denise, quando o CJ bate o carro ao levá-la para sair)

A proxina já citaram, mas nao resisto:

Resident Evil 3:

September 28th, Daylight. The monsters have overtaken the city. Somehow... I'm still alive! (Jill Valentine, no intro do game)

I'm not leaving! Never! (Homem que se tranca no baú do deposito, para esperar sua filha desaparecida, no inicio do game)

  • 2 meses depois...

Arthas no WC3:

"For my father, the king"

O Crypt Lord de WC3 (nosso querido Nerubian Assassin no dotinha)

"I serve only the Frozen Throne" e "I consume the living and the dead"

tem uma muito boa no scII, dublado em portugues:

"tá afim de treta moleque?"


Não sei se já postaram aqui... mas lá vai:

"Don´t forget, keep exploring the map!" (Começo de algum Age of Empires)



Achei legal essa aqui que eu vi ontem, apesar de ser meio emo, é profunda:

"Fighting without hope is no way of living, it is a fast way of dying"


Tradução livre: "Lutar sem esperança não é jeito de viver e sim um jeito rápido de morrer"

Final Fantasy XIII

Jogo emo só poderia ter frases emos. :P

  • Membro VIP
Com certeza já deve ter sido postada, mas vale relembrar.

Richter (SOTN): Die monster! You don't belong in this world

Dracula: -It was not by my hand I once again given flesh, I was called here by humans who wish to pay me tribute.

Richter: -Tribute?! You steal men souls, and make them your slaves.

Dracula: -Perhaps could said of all religions.

Richter: -Your words are so empty as your soul, mankind ill need such a saviour as you.

Dracula: -WHAT IS A MAN? (Taça quebrando :D) A miserable little pille of secrets, but enough talk. Have at you!


Dracula: -It was not by my hand I once again given flesh, I was called here by humans who wish to pay me tribute.

Richter: -Tribute?! You steal men souls, and make them your slaves.

Dracula: -Perhaps could said of all religions.

Richter: -Your words are so empty as your soul, mankind ill need such a saviour as you.

Dracula: -WHAT IS A MAN? (Taça quebrando :D) A miserable little pille of secrets, but enough talk. Have at you!


Dracula - This is Over, Last see POOWWWWWEEERRRRRR !

Valkirie ProfileArmgreen (acho que é assim que escreve) -

Devil time to kill...

Finish strike, Final blast !


Peon - Yes my Lord? All Right

DreadLord - The Night Backup

And the best issssssssssssssss Garbard the weak !

Pleeeeeeeease, no kill, no hurt, keep alive, im Garbard The weak (fale com ele de novo).

Very Strong, very Powerfull (mais uma vez).

Ok, you want, you have ( eu acho que é assim)

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