O estúdio polonês Techland anunciou a produção de Dead Island, game de ação em primeira pessoa. Nele o jogador vai entrar na pele do único sobrevivente de um naufrágio, e que por puro azar vai parar em uma ilha lotada de zumbis.
Uma das principais características do título fica por conta do tamanho da ilha, cerca de 130 km quadrados, e a possibilidade de se usar objetos do cenário no intuito de preparar armadilhas para seus inimigos. O gameplay em geral passará por constantes mudanças no desenrolar da trama, o que promete acabar com a monotonia do "mata-mata".
O jogo tem versões para PC, Xbox360 e PS3 e já está disponível lá fora.
Notas da versão
Fixed running game on Steam in offline mode
Fixed damaged saves when a player has more than 190 items in inventory (weapon or stacked items, counting in items from Jin’s storage and player inventory). Corrupted savegames will be recovered when possible.
Fixed problems with unlocking "There and back again" with progress 72/72
Fixed duplicating weapons:
When throwing and dropping at one time
When dropping items from inventory
Optimized scanning for friends-process, to decrease lobby server workload
Fixed random freezes when playing 4 players coop no longer appear
Fixed issues when using medkits from inventory menu
Stacking items issue solved: miscellaneous items to 9999, medkits and alcohol to 30 instead of 10.
Added the option to disable voice chat in game.
Limited Jin’s storage capacity to 150
Fixed: disappearing items when there is no place in inventory and a player tries to get an item from Jin’s storage
Improved trading: items will be removed from the smallest stack instead of a random one.
Fixed problems with corrupted profiles, which caused the game to start with black screen and freeze.
Fixed levitating zombies after killing
Fixed not being able to show quest details in quest menu using Xbox controller
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Core2Duo 2.66 GHz
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: ATI 2600XT 512MB VRAM (GeForce 8600GT)
DirectX®: DirectX 9.0C
Hard Drive: 7 GB available hard drive space
Other: keyboard, mouse
OS: Windows 7
Processor: Core2Duo 2.66 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce 9600 (1GB)
DirectX®: DirectX 9.0C
Hard Drive: 7 GB available hard drive space
Other: keyboard, mouse