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Posts recomendados


Minha Lista


- Call of Juarez

- Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter

- FIFA 06

- Prey

- F.E.A.R

- Swat 4

- Quake IV

- Fable: The Lost Charpters

- Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones

- Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Legend

- Need For Speed: Underground

- Need For Speed: Carbon

- Flatout

- Flatout 2

- Xpand Rally

- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

- Call of Duty 2

- Toca Race Driver 2

- Toca Race Driver 3

- Deus EX

- Spider Men 2: The Game

- King of Road

- 4x4 Evo

- 4x4 Evo 2

- Battlefield 1942

- Revolt

- The Lord of Rings: The Battle For Midlle Earth 2

- Knights and Merchants: The Peasant Rebellion

- Duke Nuken 3D

- Postal Share the Pain + Apocalipse Weekend

- Pro Evolution Soccer 2007

- Neverwinter Nights 2

- Sam e Max - 1 ao 7 Episódio

- Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of pacific


- Virtua Tennis

- Infernal

- Raibow Six Vegas

- Alex Kidd

- S.T.A.R.K.E.R Shadow of the Chenobyl

- Spider- Man 3

- UFO Extraterrestrials

- Test Drive Unlimited

- Half-Life 2

- Half-Life 2: Episode One

- You Are Empty

- Tomb Raider Aniversary

- The Sims 2 + Expansões

- Flight Simulator X

- Neverwinter Nights 2

- Fórmula 1 2001

- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion + Shivering Isle + Knights of The Nine

- Chessmaster 10th Edition

PlayStation 2

- Call of Duty 3

- Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2

- The Zone of Enders: 2º Runner

- Fifa Street 2

- FIFA 07

- Winning Eleven 10

- Resident Evil 4

- Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

- Grand Theft Auto: Libert City Stories

- Final Fantasy: X2

- Burnout 3: Takedown

- Naruto: Konoha Spirits

- Gran Turismo 4: The Real Driving Simulator

- Soul Calibur 2

- Driver: Paralell Lines

- Silent Hill 3

- Silent Hill 4

- Castlevania

- God of War

- Fatal Frame: Crimson Butterfly

- Final Fantasy X

- Bully

- Samurai Warriors 2

- God Hand

- Metal Slug Collection

- Need For Speed Underground 2

Negrito são os recentes


Age Of Empires II + Age Of Kings

Age Of Empires III

Battlefield 2

Call Of Duty 2

Doom 3

Far Cry




Grand Theft Auto:San Andreas

Half-Life 2


Need For Speed: Most Wanted

Neverwinter Nights

Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Rainbow Six Vegas

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic II:The Sith Lords

The Lord Of The Rings:Battle For Middle-Earth II

The Elder Scrolls 4:Oblivion + Knights Of The Nine

Unreal Tournament 2004

Warcraft 3

  • 2 semanas depois...

Ultimas aquisições:


- Half-Life 2

- Half-Life 2: Episode One

- You Are Empty

- Tomb Raider Aniversary

- The Sims 2 + Expansões

- Flight Simulator X

- Neverwinter Nights 2

- Fórmula 1 2001

- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion + Shivering Isle + Knights of The Nine

- Chessmaster 10th Edition


- Need For Speed Underground 2


mais alguns pra completar minha listinha

Postal 2: Share the Pain

Counter Strike: Condition Zero

Prince Of Persia: The Two Thrones

The Hulk

Unreal Tournament 2004

NFS: Underground 2

Riddick: Scape from Butcher Bay

Bus Driver

The Godfather

BloodRayne 2

Judge Dredd

por enquanto é só :D


São poucos, mas fazem minha felicidade! :D

Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Half Life 2 DM e Episode One

NFS Carbon

Battlefield 1942

Nascar SimRacer

Stubbs The Zombie

The Godfather

Doom 3

Flight Simulator 2004

Counter Strike 1.6

C&C Generals


É isso! xP


Meus Jogos (nenhum Original)

Medal Of Honor pacific Assalt

The Sims2

Fifa 07

Need For Speed Most Waltend(n Sei Como Se Escreve)

Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Phantasi Star Online

Call Of Duty 2

Need For Speed Carbon

Batlefild 2

Gta San Andres(meu Preferido)


Versão corrigida: (:D)

Medal Of Honor pacific Assalt -> Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

Need For Speed Most Waltend(n Sei Como Se Escreve) -> Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Batlefild 2 -> Battlefield 2

Gta San Andres -> GTA: San Andreas

  • mês depois...

Razi the Dragon cast spell: Raise Dead

Thread ressurected

Minha lista. Ultimas aquisições em negrito.

18 Wheels of Steel: Convoy

25 to Life

Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

Battlefield 1942

Beach Life

Beyond Divinity

Black & White

Cabella's Big Game Hunter 2007 - Alaskan Adventures

Cabella's Dangerous Hunts 2

Caesar II

Championship Manager 2006

Championship Surfer

Civilization IV

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2

Company of Heroes


Divine Divinity

Dream Pinball 3D

Dungeon Siege II + Broken World

El Matador

Empire Earth

Fifa 2004

Fifa 2007


Fallout 2


FlatOut 2

Flight Simulator 2004

Freedom: First Resistance

Gothic 3

Grand Prix 4

Grand Theft Auto 3

Half Life

Heroes of Might & Magic V

Heroes of Might and Magic III

Heroes of Might and Magic IV

Hidden & Dangerous 2

IceWind Dale: The Ultimate Collection


Jetfighter 2015

Lock On: Modern Air Combat

LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth

Mage Knights Apocalypse

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

Neverwinter Nights + SoU + HotU

Neverwinter Nights 2


Planescape Torment

Pro Pinball

Railroad Tycoon 3

Railroad Tycoon II

Rise of Nations

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3

Sim City 4

Septerra Core

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Sims 2: Diversão em Familia

The Sims 2: Universitários

The Sims 2: Vida Noturna

Total Club Manager 2003

Total Club Manager 2004


Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne

Warlords Battlecry III

Winter ChallengeXIII

Zoo Tycoon + Marine Mania + Dinossaur Digs

Zoo Tycoon 2


Esses são os meus games:

Age of Empires 3

Age of Mythology

Battlefield 1942

Call of Dutty 2

Castlevania Symphony of the Night (emulador)

Counter Strike 1.6

Devil May Cry 3

Dino Crisis

Gran Turismo (emulador)


GTA Vice City

GTA San Andreas


Half Life 2

Max Payne

Medal of honor Allied Assault

Need for Speed Underground

Need for Speed Underground 2

Need for Speed Most Wanted

Need For Speed Carbon

Parasite Eve (emulador)

Parasite Eve II (emulador)

Pro Evolution Soccer 5

Resident Evil (emulador)

Resident Evil 3 (emulador)

Resident Evil 4

Silent Hill 4

Terminator 3

Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness

True Crime New York

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3

Por enquanto são esses...

Quando tiver mais eu posto...


  • mês depois...

Atualizada! Se eu lembrar mais algum eu dito :lol:

18 Wheels of Steel: Haulin

Age of Empires III + expansao

America Army

Battlefield 1942

Battlefield 2


Caesar II

Call of Duty 2

Capitalism II

Casino Empire

Championship Manager 03/04

Championship Manager 06

Civilization IV + Warlords + Beyond the Sword

Codename Eagle

Command Conquer: Generals

Conquer Online

Counter Strike 1.5

Counter Strike 1.6

Cross Racing Championship 2005(CRC 2005)

Delta Force

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down


Diablo II + Lord of Destruction



Dungeon Siege

Dungeon Siege 2 + Broken World

Europa Universalis II

Europa Universalis III

Evolution GT

F - 16

Fable - The lost chapters


Fifa 2002

Fifa 2005

Fifa 2006

Fifa 2007

Fifa Manager 07


FlatOut 2

Football Manager 2006

Football Manager 2007

Football Manager 07

Freedom Fighters

GT Legends 2006


GTA: Vice City

GTA: San Andreas


Half Life

Half Life 2: Episone One

Hitman 2

Heroes Might and Magic III

Heroes Might and Magic IV

Hoyle Casino 06

Icewind Dale II




Madden NFL 2006

Max Payne

Max Payne 2

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

Mega Man X8

Metal Gear Solid

NBA 07

NHL 06

Midnight Club II

Moto GP 2006 Ultimate Racing Technology

Moto Racer 3

Motocross Madness 2

Nascar: Heat

Need for Speed: Carbon

Need for Speed: Hot Porsuit 2

Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Need for Speed: Porshe Undersland

Need for Speed: Underground

Need for Speed: Underground 2

Neverwinter Nights + 2 expansoes

NHL 07

Phantasy Star: Universe


Prince of Persia: The two thrones

Quake II

Quake III

Railroad Tycoon II

Railroad Tycoon III

Return Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

RollerCoaster Tycoon

RollerCoaster Tycoon 2

RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 + Wild + Soaked

Rome Total War

Sacred + Underworlds

Shadow Flare

Sidmeiers Railroad

Silent Hill 4

Sim City 3000

Sim City 4

Sim Golf

Soul Reaver

Soul Reaver 2


Spider-Man 2

Star Craft + Brood War


Stronghold 2

Supreme Snowboard


Tactical OPS

Test Drive Unlimited

The Elder Scroll: Morrowind

The Sims + 2 expansões

The Sims 2 + 10 expansões :eek: (falta só o Bon Voyage)

Throne of Darkness

Tiger Woods 2002

Tiger Woods PGA 2006

Tiger Woods PGA 2007

Titan Quest + Immortal Throne

TM Nations + Sunsire

Toca Race Drive 3

Tony Hawk's Underground 2

Unreal Tournament

Unreal Tournament 2004

Virtual Tenis

Warcraft III + expansao

Warlords Battlecry II

Warlords Battlecry III

Warm Up!

Warzone 2100

Winning Eleven 8

Wizardry 8

World of Warcraft

Worms 3D

Yu Gi Oh: Kaiba the revenge

Zoo Empire

Zoo Tycoon 2

162 Títulos :joia:


Heheh, também vou atualizar a minha, Kyuzo :D tá meio errada desde aquela ultima, de julho. Eu vendi alguma coisa e comprei diversos outros. Ai vai:

18 Wheels of Steel: Convoy

25 to Life

Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

Beach Life

Beyond Divinity

Black & White

Cabella's Big Game Hunter 2007 - Alaskan Adventures

Cabella's Dangerous Hunts 2

Caesar II

Championship Manager 2006

Championship Surfer

Civilization IV

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2

Command & Conquer 3

Company of Heroes


Divine Divinity

Dream Pinball 3D

Dungeon Lords: Collector’s Edition

Dungeon Siege II + Broken World

El Matador

Empire Earth


Fallout 2

Fable: The Lost Chapters

Fifa 2004

Fifa 2007

Fifa Manager 07


FlatOut 2

Flight Simulator 2004

Freedom: First Resistance

Gothic 3

Grand Theft Auto 3

Half Life

Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday

Heroes of Might & Magic V

Heroes of Might and Magic III

Heroes of Might and Magic IV

Hidden & Dangerous 2

IceWind Dale


Jetfighter 2015

Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis

Lock On: Modern Air Combat

LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth

Mage Knights Apocalypse

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

Neverwinter Nights + SoU + HotU + Kingmaker

Neverwinter Nights 2



Planescape Torment


Railroad Tycoon 3

Railroad Tycoon II

Restaurant Empire

Rise of Nations

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3

Sacred: Gold Edition

Sim City 4

Septerra Core

S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Shadow of Chernobyl

Star Wars: Jedi Knights II – Jedi Academy

Star Wars: Jedi Knights II - Jedi Outcast

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2

Star Wars: Republic Commando

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Omega Stone

Total Club Manager 2003

Total Club Manager 2004


Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne

Warlords Battlecry III

Winter Challenge


Zoo Tycoon + Marine Mania + Dinossaur Digs

Zoo Tycoon 2

79 títulos :)


instalado tenho

counter strike source

day of defeat source

age of empires 3 + the warchiefs

warcraft 3 + frozen throne

resident evil 4

priston tale

GTA san andreas

command & conquer generals

command & conquer 3 tiberium war

neverwinter nights 2

the battle for middle earth 2 + rise of the witch king

sim city 4


zoo tycoon 2

jaws unleashed

transformers the game


Jogos que eu me lembro de ter gostado quando joguei:

Age of empires 2 + Conqueror's expasion

Age of empires 3

Age of Mythology

Call of Duty

Call of Duty 2

Call of Juarez

Championship Manager 4

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars

Company of Heroes


Desperados: wanted dead or alive

Dungeon Siege

Doom 3

Far Cry


Formula 1 2001

Football Manager 2007

Full Throttle

GTA San Andreas

Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2 - Episode one

Hitman II



Max Payne

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

Medal of Honor Alied Assault

Medal of Honor Pacific Assault

Medal of Honor Airborne

Monkey Island: the curse of monkey island

Need for Speed Underground

Need for Speed Underground 2

Need for Speed Most Wanted

Need for Speed Carbon

Pro Evolution Soccer 4

Pro Evolution Soccer 6

Prince of Persia: the two thrones

Roller Coaster Tycoon

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl

Splinter Cell

The Godfather

The Sims

The Sims 2

Virtua Tennis

Winning Eleven 9

Zoo Tycoon 2

Os que eu me lembrei são esses, mas provavelmente devo ter esquecido alguns. Qualquer outro que eu lembra, coloco aqui.


Minha lista. Alguns daí eu nem joguei ainda, ta guardado até hoje... outros devo ter esquecido de colocar na lista mas é +- isso até agora:

4X4 Evolution 2

Autobahn Total

Age of Empires

Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings

Age of Empires III

Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs

Age of Mythology

Age of Mythology: The Titans

Battlefield 1942

Battlefield 2

Battlefield 2142

Call of Duty

Call of Duty 2

Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines

Commandos 2: Men of Courage

Commandos 3: Destination Berlin

Copa do Mundo 98

Copa do Mundo 2002

Counter Strike 1.5

Counter Strike 1.6

Counter Strike: Condition Zero

Counter Strike Source

Delta Force

Delta Force: Black Hawk Down

Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive


DOOM 3: Ressurection Of Evil


Duke Nukem 3D

F-22 Raptor


F.E.A.R. Director´s Edition

Fifa 98

Fifa 99

Fifa 2000

Fifa 2001

Fifa 2002

Fifa 2003

Fifa 2005

Fifa 2006

Fifa 2007

Flight Simulator

Flight Simulator 98

Flight Simulator 2002

Flight Simulator X

Freedom Fighters

Full Throttle

Gangsters 2

Global Operations

GP 500

Grand Prix 2

Grand Prix 4


GTA London 1969



GTA: Vice City

GTA: San Andreas


Guilty Gear X2 #Reload

Guilty Gear Isuka

Half Life

Half Life²

Karate Fighter

Max Payne

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

Mortal Kombat 4

NASCAR Thunder 2003

Need for Speed II

Need for Speed II SE

Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit

Need for Speed: Porsche 2000

Need for Speed: Underground

Need for Speed: Underground 2

Need for Speed: Most Wanted Black Edition

Need for Speed: Carbon Collector´s Edition

Neverwinter Nights + SoU + HoTU

Operation Flashpoint Cold War Crisis


Pearl Harbor



Quake 4

Return to Castle Wolfenstein

RollerCoaster Tycoon 3

RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Wild

RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Soaked


Soldier of Fortune

Sonic Heroes

Splinter Cell

Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow

Star Wars Episódio 1: Racer

Stronghold 2


SWAT 4: The Stetchkov Syndicate

Tactical OPS

The Sims + Fazendo a Festa + Superstars

Thief: The Dark Project

Thief II: The Metal Age

Thief 3: Deadly Shadows

Total Annihilation

Ultra Fighters

Vietcong 2

Worms Armageddon

Worms World Party

Worms Forts Under Siege

Worms 4: Mayhen

Sei lá quantos títulos... ^_^

  • 4 semanas depois...

Não sei o que irá acontecer primeiro, a chegada do meu NWN 2 ou o lançamento do FM07.. Mas já deixo registrado meus novos jogos(dentro de 10 dias já estou com os dois)

Off: Formatei o PC e só estou com 3 jogos instalados(Fifa, STALKER e TDU) se eu não jogar um RPG vou ficar doido, e só vou instalar o NWN 2..

  • 2 semanas depois...

o que eu tenho aqui...


FEAR Extraction Point

Sniper Elite

PORTAL & POSTAL (Uma unica letra, que diferencia um jogo 'louco' de um jogo 'interessante' ^^)


Need for Speed CARBON

Track Mania Nations

FlatOut 2

The sims 2 com 4 expansões (ráááá odeio esse jogo, minha irmã nao ^^)

World in Conflict

Age of mythology

Age of Empires 3

Pro evolution soccer 08




Atualizando minha lista, 1 mês e meio depois....os novos estão em negrito.

18 Wheels of Steel: Convoy

25 to Life

Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn

Beach Life

Beyond Divinity

Black & White

Cabella's Big Game Hunter 2007 - Alaskan Adventures

Cabella's Dangerous Hunts 2

Caesar II

Championship Manager 2006

Championship Surfer

Civilization IV

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2

Command & Conquer 3

Company of Heroes


Divine Divinity

Dream Pinball 3D

Dungeon Lords: Collector’s Edition

Dungeon Siege II + Broken World

El Matador

Empire Earth


Fallout 2

Fable: The Lost Chapters

Fifa 2004

Fifa 2007

Fifa Manager 07


FlatOut 2

Flight Simulator 2004

Football Manager 2008

Freedom: First Resistance

Gothic 3

Grand Theft Auto 3

Half Life

Hearts of Iron II: Doomsday

Heroes of Might & Magic V

Heroes of Might and Magic III

Heroes of Might and Magic IV

Hidden & Dangerous 2

IceWind Dale


Jetfighter 2015

Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis

Lock On: Modern Air Combat

LOTR: Battle for Middle Earth

Mage Knights Apocalypse

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault

Neverwinter Nights + SoU + HotU + Kingmaker

Neverwinter Nights 2 + Mask of the Betrayer



Planescape Torment


Railroad Tycoon 3

Railroad Tycoon II

Restaurant Empire

Rise of Nations

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3

Sacred: Gold Edition

Sim City 4

Septerra Core

S.T.A.L.K.E.R - Shadow of Chernobyl

Star Wars: Jedi Knights II – Jedi Academy

Star Wars: Jedi Knights II - Jedi Outcast

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 2

Star Wars: Republic Commando

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Omega Stone

Total Club Manager 2003

Total Club Manager 2004


Warcraft 3 + Frozen Throne

Warlords Battlecry III

Winter Challenge


Zoo Tycoon + Marine Mania + Dinossaur Digs

Zoo Tycoon 2

81títulos :)


Os que estão em negritos são os ultimos q add ou estou jogando

Personal Computer:

Age of Empires 3

Age of Mithology

Assassin's Creed

Battlefield 2

Call of Duty 4: Mordem Warfare

Call of Duty 5: World at War

Clive Barke's JERICHO



CS: 1.3

CS: 1.5

CS: 1.6


CS: Source

Day of Defeat 1.6

Doom 3


FarCry 2


F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point


GTA Vice City

GTA San Andreas

Half Life

Half Life 2

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men


Max Payne

Max Payne 2


Need for Speed Underground

Need for Speed Underground 2

Need for Speed Carbon

Need for Speed Most Wanted

Need for Speed PROSTREET

Quake 4

Racedriver: GRID

Rise of Nations

Sim City 4

Swat 4

Test Driver Unlimited

The Matrix

The Matrix: The Path of Neo

The Sims

The Sims 2

The Sims 2 Vida Noturna

The Sims 2 Vida de Universitário

The Sims Em Férias

The Sims Encontro Marcado

The Sims Fazendo a Festa

The Sims Gozando a Vida

The Sims Num Passe de Mágica (Nunca instalei)

The Sims o Bicho Vai Pegar


Warcraft III - Reing of Chaos

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007

Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2008

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

Todos os The Sims quem joga mais e minha mulher!!!!

PlayStation Portable:

Mais de 30 :lol:

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GRÁTIS: ebook Redes Wi-Fi – 2ª Edição