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Posts recomendados


Vendi minha coleção de PS2 e comprei meu PC mês passado, então tenho pokíssima coisa:

Dungeon Siege (ta com problema na minha máquina, a imagem fica flicando, piscando e o rate num passa de 35 Fps, não sei ainda o q é)

Battle for Middle Earth II

Never Winter II

  • mês depois...

vou falar apenas os de PC ai vão os escolhidos! XD

The sims 2, Vida de universitario e vida noturna

Fable the lost chapters

Need for speed underground

Need for speed Underground 2

Need for speed Most Wanted

Age of Empires III, Warchiefs

Resident Evil 4

F.E.A.R Perseus Mandate

Warcraft 3 The Frozen Throne

Battlefield 2

Outlive(velhão!!! XDDD)

Simcity 4 e o 3000

The sims do 1º até o bicho vai pegar

Roller coaster 1 e 2

Tony Hawk Underground 2

to com preguiça de escrever os meus do Gamecube, Gameboy Advanced SP e Xbox 360 da uns 20 juntando os jogos dos 3 XD fora os do Super Nintendo e do nintendo 64 ai da + uns 18


Jogo até hoje


Crono Trigger (melhor jogo que já joguei)

Play1 -


Final Fantasy VIII

PC -

Call of Duty 4


Lost Planet

Resident Evil 4

Splinter Cell double Agent

Gears of War

Need for Speed - Todos menos o Pro street

Test Drive Unlimited

Guitar Hero 3


Company of Heroes


Pro evolution soccer 2008


Age of Empires III

por hora só...


Acho q estou esquecendo alguma coisa....mas qd chegar em casa coloco...

Call of Duty 4

Crazy Taxi 3

Doom 3

Driver Parallel Lines


GTA San Andreas

Medal of Honor Allied Assault

Need for Speed 5 – Porsche

Need for Speed 6 – Hot Pursuit 2

Need for Speed 7 – Underground

Need for Speed 8 – Underground 2

Need for Speed 9 – Most Wanted

Need for Speed 10 – Carbon

Need for Speed 11 – Pro Street


Prince of Persia - Warrior Within

Todos instalados.....



18 Wheels of Steel Convoy

18 Wheels of Steel Haulin

Age of Empires III

Age of Empires III: Asian Dynasties

Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs

Caesar III

Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2


Counter Strike 1.6 Non-Stean

Counter Strike Source (só bots)



Euro Truck Simulator

Far Cry


Flight Simulator X

Grand Theft Auto IV

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto Vice City

Hitman 2

Medal of Honor: Allied Assault

Need for Speed Carbon

Need for Speed Most Wanted

Need for Speed ProStreet

Need for Speed SHIFT

Need for Speed UnderCover

Need for Speed Underground 2

Pro Evolution Soccer 2009

SEGA Rally Revo


Test Drive Unlimited

ToCA Race Driver 3

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas

Warcraft III

Warcraft III: Frozen Throne

Acho que é isso


Eu jogo ate hoje:

StarCraft Brood War :wub:

Line Age 2 CT1 :wub:

Need for Speed Underground 2

World of Warcraft


MU Global


Warcraft III

Need for speed underground 1

Need for speed underground 2

Need for speed most wanted

Need for speed Carbon

Need for speed Pro Street

Half Life

Max Payne 1

Max Payne 2

Lord Of The Ring's : The Battle for middle-earth

Lord of the Ring's II


Call of Duty 2

Call of Duty 3

Call of Duty 4 : Modern Warfare

Lost Planet


Conflict Danied Ops


Titan Quest

Company Of Heroes

Test Drive Unlimited

Far Cry

Call Of Juarez

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Grand Theft Auto Vice City

Age Of Empires II

Age Of Empires III

Hitman : BloodMoney

Doon 3 e a expansão

Bom uahuahauhauh acho que sao esses :D!


Vou tentar lembrar pelo menos da maioria... Alguns originais e outros não...

Age of Empires 1, 2 e 3.

Half Life 1, 2, HL Blue Shift, HL2 Loast Coast, HL2 Deathmatch, Day of Defeat, DoD Source entre outros mods de HL1 ou Source.

CS1.6 e Source.

Battlefield 1942 (e todas as suas expansões), BF 1918, Battlefield Vietnam, BF 2 Complete Collection e BF 2142.

GTR 1 e 2.

Toca Race Driver 1, 2 e 3.

Need for Speed 1 SE, NFS 2 SE, NFS 3 Hot pursuit, NFS 4 High Stakes, NFS 5 Porsche, NFS 6 Hot Pursuit 2, NFS Underground, NFSU 2, NFS Most Wanted, NFS Carbon, NFS Pro Street.

GTA 1 ,2 ,3, Vice City e San Andreas.

Doom 1, 2, Legacy e 3.

Far Cry.


Colin Dirt.

Rally Championship 2000.

Call of Juarez.

Call of Duty 1, 2 e 4.

Medal of Honor Allied Assault, Pacific Assault e Airbone.

Lost Planet.

Test Drive Unlimited.

Max Payne 1 e 2.


Street Race Syndicate.

Live for Speed.


Rainbow Six Vegas.

Splinter Cell Double Agent.

Driver 3.

Pro Evolution Soccer 4,5, Winning Eleven 2007 e PES 2008.

Lego Star Wars.

Fatal Racing.

Time Commando.

Twinsen's Odssey.

Crazy Taxi 3.

Carom 3D.


Frets on Fire.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 e Underground 2.

Spider Man 1 e 3.

World in Conflict.

Sega Rally.

Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 Platinum.


Trackmania Nations e United.

Armed Assault.

Crash Day.

Silent Hunter.

NBA Live 2003.

The Simpsons Hit & Run.

007 Night Fire.

Championship Manager 2007.

Winter Olympic Games Torino 2006.

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.

Moto Racer.

MX vs ATV unleashed.

Out Run 2006 Coast to coast.


Race, The WTCC Game.

Resident Evil 4.


Sonic Adventure DX e Sonic Heroes.

Streets of Rage Remake.

The Sims 2 e todas as expansões.

Top Spin 1 e 2.

Virtua Tennis 3.

Xpand Rally.

Street Chaves.

Evolution GT.

Blazing Angels - Squadrons of WW2.

Rail Simulator.

GTI Racing.

The Elder of Scrools Oblivion.

Flat Out 2.


Return to the castle Wolfeinstein.

Rail Simulator.

+ Emuladores (com um monte de jogos) de tudo qto é aparelho....Atari, MSX, Master System, Mega Driver, Super Nintendo, Arcade, PS1, Nintendo e Nintendo 64.

Bom, coloquei só os que vieram na minha caçeça. Demorei mó Tempão pra lembrar de tudo. Deve ter uns 3 dias que tô respondendo esse tópico.


Crono Trigger

Warcraft 2! Eu lembro quando comprei o original e veio um livro do ******* contanto a história toda do jogo.

Death Rally! Dispensa comentários.

Diablo 2+LOD :~~]

Baldur's Gate 2 - Owna qualquer coisa!

Call of Duty 4


os meus:

test drive unlimited

Toca racer driver 3

The sims

The sims 2


NFS Carbon

NfS Undergrund 1

NfS Undergrund 2

Flat Out 2

FIFA 2007

Pro Evolution soccer 6

Colin MCrae rally 2.0

Colin MCrae rally 2006

Nascar 2007 (play2)

Por enquanto é isso


Diablo Ii + ExpansÃo Lord Da DestruiÇÃo

Need For Speedy




Sin City

The 7 Sins

Age Of Empire 2

Age Of Empire 3 + ExpansÃo

Unreal Tornament

Unreal Tornament 3

E Mais Um Monte....rsrsrs Nao Me Lembro

  • 2 semanas depois...


GTA: Vice City, San Andreas, 1, 2, 3, London. (Sou muito fãn de GTA)

Simpsons Hit and Run

Winning Eleven 2007




Tekken 3

Pro Evolution Soccer 2


Fifa 99

California Speed

Doom 64

Duke Nukem 64

F1 Racing Championship

007 Golden Eye

Indy Racing 2000

Mario Kart 64

Road Rash 64

Outros jogos PC (menos conhecidos)

Rad Challenge 07

Virtual Stratton

United Football

Street Chaves

e mais uma porrada de jogo.......


Need for Speed Underground 2

Need for Speed Most Wanted Black Edition

GTA:San Andreas

Battle for Middle Earth

Battle for Middle Earth II

LOTR:The Return of The King

The Fellowship of the Ring

Call of Duty 2

Age of Empires III

Coraçao valente

The sims1

The sims 2

The sims 2 aberto pra negocios

The sims 2 pets

The sims 2 vida universitaria

The sims 2 na noite

The sims 2 4 estaçoes

The sims 2 histoiras de bichos

age of mitology

age of mitology titan of quest

harry potter 1

harry potter 2

harry potter 3

harry potter calice de fogo

harry potter ordem da fenix

hitmam contracts

pse 2008

pse 2007

fifa 2008

fifa 2007

fifa copa do mundo

the simpson hit hun

sin city 4

call of duty 4


quero mais jogs com jongabilidade show de bola tomara k minha mezada aumente...::lol:B)



geometry wars:galaxies

wii sports

soul calibur legends

dragon ball z budokai tenkaichi 3

dewy´& adventure

piratas do caribe 3

fifa soccer 08

nights journey of dreams

super swing golf

mario party 8

the simpsons the game

lego star wars the complet saga

zack & wiki

super paper mario

prince of persia the two thrones

medal of honor heroes 2

batalion wars 2

tomb raider anniversary

metroid prime 3

resident evil 4 wii edition

resident evil the umbrella chronicles

no more heroes

the legend of zelda the twilight princess

manhunt 2

mario strikers charged football

driver paralell lines

fire emblem radiant dawn[the best of bests]


e ai ?

Nem tenho tempo de coloca tudo,mas resumindo:

Todos os jogos de pc de nova geraçao (2008~2007) e mais alguns....:D tenho um hd inteiro so pra eles.

O meu xodó e o Shadows of the Colossus pra play 2 e COD 4


  • 3 semanas depois...

Infelizmente meses atras perdi meu nick (Bloodwolf) devido a troca do forum e por causa disso nao posso atualizar a minha lista, pois bem, aqui vai a lista novamente neste topico pra que eu possa voltar a atualiza-la.

Se um moderador quiser pode apagar o topico do bloodwolf assim so teria 1 copia da lista aqui no post.

Tudo PC (Originais)


2 Battlefield: Vietna

3 Need For Speed 1

4 JetFighter: FullBurn

5 Constructor

6 Warm up!

7 MechWarrior 2

8 Unreal Tournament 2003

9 Septerra Core

10 Oddworld Abe Oddysee

11 Tomb Raider 1

12 Settlers 3

13 Unreal 1

14 Sacrifice

15 Army Man

16 Giants: Citizens of kabuto

17 Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear

18 Dracula

19 Driver

20 Quake II

21 RollCage

22 Urban chaos

23 Twinsen Odyssey 2 (Ou Little big adventure 2)

24 Darkstone

25 KKND2

26 F22 Lighting 2

27 Terceiro Milenio

28 Dino Crisis

29 Faraó

30 Unreal Tournament 1

31 Kilngpin: Life of crime

32 Warlods: Battlecry

33 Civilization III

34 Earth 2150

35 Flatout

36 Echelon

37 Rollecoaster tycoon

38 Rally Championship

39 Messiah

40 Fighters for Life

41 Thexder

42 EarthWorm Jim 3

43 Enemy Infestation

44 Claw

45 D-Day

46 JetStrike

47 Broken Sword

48 Jack Nicklaus 4

49 Shadow Warrior

50 Zork: nemesis

51 WichHaven

52 Flying Corps

53 M1A2 Abrams

54 Nightmare Creatures

55 Civilization III: Conquest

56 Total Anihilation

57 Alien vs Predator 1

58 Myth: fallen Lords 1

59 Silver

60 S.I.N

61 Tomb Raider V

62 Desperados 1

63 Echelon

64 Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

65 Warcraft III

66 IL2 Sturmovik

67 Heavy Metal FAKK 2

68 Worms 2

69 The Devils Inside

70 NOX

71 Warcraft III: Frozen Throne

72 Raiload Tycoon 2

73 Rune

74 Uprising: Lead and Destroy

75 X-Wing vs Tie Fighter

76 pro Soccer 2002

77 Swat 3

78 Rage of Mages 1

79 Rally trophy

80 Codename Eagle

81 Star Wars: Galactic battlegrounds

82 Mig Alley

83 Settlers II

84 A bruxa de Blair: volume I rustin pair

85 Kiss: Psycho Circus

86 Heroes: Might and Magic III

87 M.A.X - Mechanized Allied Assault

88 Deadly Dozen

89 Grand Prix Legends

90 Outlive

91 Mig 29 Fulcrum

92 Warcraft II

93 Knights and Mechants

94 Swiv

95 Commandos I

96 Ford Racing

97 Constructor Street Wars

98 Warzone 2100

99 Test Drive off road 3

100 Train Town

101 Midnight gt

102 Turok 2

103 Speedster

104 Lords of the realm 2

105 Hidden and Dangerous 1

106 Transport tycoon

107 Raiload Tycoon 1

108 Pirates +2 jogos do cd Conquer the World que eu não lembro o nome

109 Hunter Hunted

110 Heavy gear II

111 Civilization II

112 Al Unser Jr,

113 DogFighter

114 Dune 2000

115 Heavy Gear I

116 Tek War

117 Heretic II

118 Castrol Honda Super Bike 2000

119 Rally championship

120 Seven Kingdoms II

121 Delta Force

122 Command & Conquer 1: Tiberium Dawn

123 Plane Crazy

123 Excalibur 2555 AD

124 Duro de Matar Trilogia 2

125 Get Medieval

126 Megarace 2

127 Outpost 2

128 Destruction derby 2

129 Total Anihilation: Kingdoms

130 Test Drive 5

131 Test Drive 4

142 Larry 5

143 Interstate 76

144 Actua Soccer

145 Heart of Darkness

146 Dungeon Keeper 2

147 Homeworld

148 Ground Control 2

149 Force 21

150 Big Mutha Truckers

151 eliminator

152 Thief 1

153 Outcast

154 C&C: red Alert 1

155 World of Warcraft

156 Fallout 2

157 Need for Speed 1

158 Homeworld

159 Constructor 1

160 Ultima VIII

161 Strike Commando CD version

162 Wing Commander II

163 Syndicate Plus

164 Diablo 1

165 Diablo 2

166 Screamer 2

167 Jagged Alliance: Deadly Games

168 Alone in the dark III

169 Prince of Persia 1

170 Prince of Persia 2

171 Prince of Persia 3d

172 Sim City 2000 Network Edition

173 Driver

174 Grand Theft Auto II

175 Jagged Alliance 2 Expansão.

176 Project IGI 1

177 Project IGI 2


179 BLOOD 1

180 DeathTrap Dungeon

181 Descent II

182 Descent I

183 Star Trek Commander 2

184 MDK 1

185 MDK 2

186 Shattered Steel

187 Caesar II

188 Caesar III

189 Grim Fandango

190 Rage of Mages II

191 Hitman I

192 X-Wint vs Tie Fighter Expansão.

193- Forsaken

194- Afterlife

195- Grand Prix 3

196- Dark Colony

197- Legacy of Kain: Soulreaver I

198- Springbreak

199- C&C III: Tiberium Wars

200- C&C: Renegade

201- ONI

202- SHOGO: Mobile Armor Division

203 - Crysis (special edition) 204 - The Orange Box (Half life 2, Episodio 2, Portal, Team Fortress 2).

205 - Battlefield 2142

206 - Tom Clancy´s Splinter Cell 1

207- Rollecoaster Tycoon 3

Em negrito estão as atualizações dos ultimos 6 meses. Lista atualizada e concertada.

Edit1: Esqueci de colocar que são todos originais e peguei a ideia do High tension de falar detalhes de "pacotes"

  • Membro VIP

Jogos para PC (somente originais):

A Era do Gelo 2

Act of War: Direct Action

Age of Empires 3

Age of Empires 3: The Asian Dynasties

Age of Empires 3: The Warchiefs

Age of Empires Collector's Edition

Age of Empires

Age of Empires - The Rise of Rome

Age of Empires II

Age of Empires II - The Conquerous

Age of Mythology Gold Edition

Age of Mythology

Age of Mythology: The Titans

Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic

Assassin's Creed (Director's Cut)

Attack on Pearl Harbor

Battlefield 2 Complete Collection

Battlefield 2

Battlefield 2 - Special Forces

Battlefield 2 - Euro Force

Battlefield 2 - Armored Fury

Battlefield 2142 Deluxe Edition

Battlefield 2142

Battlefield 2142 Northern Strike

Beowulf: The Game


BlackSite Area 51

BMW M3 Challenge (*)

Brother in Arms: Road to Hill 30

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Call of Juarez

Civilization IV Special Edition

Civilization IV

Civilization IV: The Warlords

Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars (Kane Edition)

Command & Conquer 3 - Kane's Wrath

Command & Conquer: The First Decade

Command & Conquer

Command & Conquer: The Covert Operations

Command & Conquer Red Alert

Command & Conquer Red Alert - The Aftermath

Command & Conquer Red Alert - Counterstrike

Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun

Command & Conquer Tiberiun Sun - Firestorm

Command & Conquer Renegade

Command & Conquer Red Alert 2

Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 - Yuri's Revenge

Command & Conquer Generals

Command & Conquer Generals - Zero Hour

Company of Heroes Gold

Company of Heroes

Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts

Conflict: Denied Ops

Cossacks II: Gold

Cossacks II - Battle for Europe

Cossacks II - Napoleonic Wars

Crysis (Special Edition)

Crysis Warhead

Dark Colony

Dark Messiah


Diablo II Gold Edition

Diablo II

Diablo II - Lord of Destruction

Drift City (*)

Empire Earth Gold Edition

Empire Earth

Empire Earth - The Art of Conquest

Empire Earth II

Empire Earth II - The Art of Supremacy

Empire Earth III

Enemy Territory Quake Wars

F.E.A.R. - Extraction Point

F.E.A.R. - Perseus Mandate

F.E.A.R. (Director's Edition)

Fable: The Lost Chapters

Faces of War

FIFA 2008


Flatout 2

Frontlines: Fuel of War

Full Spectrum Warrior

Full Throttle

Gears of War

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2

Ground Control 2

GTA: San Andreas


Hellgate: London

Hitman: Codename 47

Hitman Trilogy

Hitman Contracts

Hitman Silent Assassin

Hitman Blood Money

Joint Task Force

Just Cause

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

Knight Rider 2

Lords of the Realms III

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

LOTR The Battle for Middle-Earth Anthology

The Battle for Middle-Earth

The Battle for Middle-Earth II (Collector's Edition)

The Battle for Middle-Earth II: The Rise of the Witch King


Medal of Honor Airbone

Metin 2 (*)


Need for Speed Carbon (Collector's Edition)

Need for Speed Most Wanted (Black Edition)

Need for Speed ProStreet

Neverwinter Nights Platinum

Neverwinter Nights

Neverwinter Nights - Shadows of Undrentide

Neverwinter Nights - Hordes of the Underdark

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow

Prey (Limited Collector's Edition)

Prince of Persia Trilogy

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

Prince of Persia: The Warrior Within

Project Torque (*)

Quake 4

Race 07

Race Driver: Grid

Resident Evil 4

Rise of Nations Gold Edition

Rise of Nations

Rise of Nations - Thrones and Patriots

Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 - Time Twister

Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 - Wacky Worlds

Rollercoaster Tycoon 3

Rome: Total War Gold Edition

Rome: Total War

Rome: Total War - Barbarian Invasion

Rush for Berlin: Gold

Rush for Berlin

Rush for the Bomb

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadows of Chernobyl


Secret Files: Tunguska

Shade: Wrath of Angels

Shattered Union

Simcity Societies

SiN Episodes: Emergence

Spider-Man 3: The Game

Starcraft Gold Edition


Starcraft - Broodwar


Stronghold Deluxe

Stronghold 2

Super Driver

Supreme Commander

Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance


Test Drive Unlimited

The Club

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (The Game of the Year)

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Tribunal

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Blood Moon

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine

The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles

The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

The Orange Box

Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2: Episode One

Half-Life 2: Episode 2

Team Fortress 2


The Witcher


Titan Quest Gold

Titan Quest

Titan Quest - Immortal Throne

Total Annihilation

Trackmania United

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty


Unreal Tournament III

Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne

Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos

Warhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War

Warmonger (*)

World in Conflict

Jogos de PS3:

Army of Two

Burnout Paradise

Dark Sector

Formula One Championship Edition

Gran Turismo 5: Prologue

Grand Theft Auto IV


Heavenly Sword


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots


Resistance: Fall of Man

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune



Onde tu compro a expansão do Supreme commander High_Tension? Tão vendendo no Brasil? Eu nao comprei Supreme Commander ainda somente porque nao achei a expansão pra vender.


****... porque nao tenho CCI o que bloqueia grande parte das compras online.. (Tenho nem conta bancaria por sinal ¬¬). Mas valeu mesmo assim.

Lista atualizada com +1 jogo.

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GRÁTIS: ebook Redes Wi-Fi – 2ª Edição